The Power of High John the Conqueror Root

High John the Conqueror root has been a staple of hoodoo magical practices since the 1850s, but the origins of the name “John the Conqueror” are unclear. John the Conqueror root may be named for a mythical man who ripped off the Devil’s arm and beat him silly with it, or, my favorite, he may have been the son of an African king who was enslaved and brought to America, yet never let his spirit be broken. Instead, he undermined his master with clever tricks and inspired other slaves to do the same.

According to interviews that folklorist Harry Middleton Hyatt conducted with hoodoo practitioners in the 1930s, John the Conqueror’s reputation as a trickster was so great that just reciting his name was protection against being hoodooed. Some linguists think his name may be a derivation of the Bantu word kankila, which means “to tremble with fear.”

One Legend has it that during the times of slavery in the United States High John was brought over as a slave to work in the South. Despite his circumstances, he had the uncanny ability to always maintain the upper hand over his oppressors, to always find a way to keep his spirits high, and to help other slaves do the same. He would find a way to arrive and help his enslaved brothers and sisters when in need.
There are numerous versions of his story but in all of them he embodies the archetype of the trickster, the “holy fool,” so clever, typically offering the medicine of laughter, and always the ability to turn difficult circumstances to his advantage.

Legend has it that before he went back to Africa, he left all of his powers in a plant, particularly in the root of the Morning Glory plant. 

The root known as High John the Conqueror or John the Conqueror root is said to be the root of Ipomoea jalapa, also known as Ipomoea purga, an Ipomoea species related to the morning glory and the sweet potato. The plant is known in some areas as bindweed or jalap root. It has a pleasant, earthy odor, but it is a strong laxative if taken internally. It is not used for this purpose in folk magic; it is instead used as one of the parts of a mojo bag or grated for use in spells and intentions.

According to folk belief, High John as a “root medicine” will protect a subject against evil spirits and control potentially conflicting situations including love relationships, gambling, litigation, employment, and financial matters. It is most often associated with success, happiness, and improving one’s fortune. This product may be dug directly from the woods or purchased from conjurers and used in a variety of forms, including a non-processed root, diced, liquid, or powder state. 

High John Root is one of the most powerful and widely used roots in Hoodoo, Rootwork, and Folk Magic. It is used in spells, rituals, intentions, and mojo bags for:

  • Overcoming Obstacles
  • Avoiding Problems
  • Creating A Way Forward
  • Power
  • Strength
  • Success
  • Protection
  • Challenges
  • Courage
  • Empowerment

PRACTICAL USE: Cleanse the Root; it should be intact and unbroken. Hold the root in your dominant hand and focus your intention on what you want to manifest. Visualize how you want things to be. Hide the High John Root in a place where no one will find it, preferably in a red flannel pouch. If the problem is at work, hide it at work. If the problem is at home, hide it in your house. If necessary, carry the root with you. Next, let the powerful magic of High John take root in your situation and help you achieve your goals.

“My pistol may snap, my mojo is frail
But I rub my root, my luck will never fail
When I rub my root, my John the Conquer root
Aww, you know there ain’t nothin’ she can do, Lord,
I rub my John the Conquer root”

– Muddy Waters, My John Conqueror Root  

Happy Conquering!



Bach Flower Remedies

Dr. Edward Bach (1886-1936) was a medical doctor, bacteriologist, and homeopath who believed that successful healing required the treatment of the person, not just the disease.  He became very aware that negative emotions could have a major impact on one’s physical health. Being a lover of nature, Dr. Bach looked to the great outdoors for his answers, and ultimately “found” 38 remedies mostly derived from plants.  Dr. Bach developed the diluted flower essences following his homeopathic background, which to this day are still being created, sold, and used to help negative emotions.

The Basis of Healing Flowers

A Bach remedy is based on energetics and vibrations.  Herbalists believe that the flower’s energetic vibrations are transferred to the water used to create the flower essence, and then is transferred to us when we consume it. 

The energetic and vibrational properties of the flower are then believed to resonate with some of our own energy and vibrational patterns (those that may be out of balance), bringing harmony through their communication. Many people who use the Bach flower essences feel that their emotions are helped, which definitely has a positive impact on their health.

The Bach Remedies

Below is the list of the 38 individual Bach remedies

  • Agrimony – mental torture behind a cheerful face
  • Aspen – fear of unknown things
  • Beech – intolerance
  • Centaury – the inability to say ‘no
  • Cerato – lack of trust in one’s own decisions
  • Cherry Plum – fear of the mind giving way
  • Chestnut Bud – failure to learn from mistakes 
  • Chicory – selfish, possessive love
  • Clematis – dreaming of the future without working in the present
  • Crab Apple – the cleansing remedy, also for not liking something about ourselves
  • Elm – overwhelmed by responsibility
  • Gentian – discouragement after a setback
  • Gorse – hopelessness and despair
  • Heather – talkative self-concern and being self-centered
  • Holly – hatred, envy, and jealousy
  • Honeysuckle – living in the past
  • Hornbeam – tiredness at the thought of doing something
  • Impatiens – impatience
  • Larch – lack of confidence
  • Mimulus – fear of known things
  • Mustard – deep gloom for no reason
  • Oak – the plodder who keeps going past the point of exhaustion 
  • Olive – exhaustion following mental or physical effort
  • Pine – guilt
  • Red Chestnut – over-concern for the welfare of loved ones
  • Rock Rose – terror and fright
  • Rock Water – self-denial, rigidity, and self-repression
  • Scleranthus – inability to choose between alternatives 
  • Star of Bethlehem – shock
  • Sweet Chestnut – extreme mental anguish, when everything has been tried and there is no light left
  • Vervain – over-enthusiasm
  • Vine – dominance and inflexibility
  • Walnut – protection from change and unwanted influences
  • Water Violet – quiet self-reliance leading to isolation
  • White Chestnut – unwanted thoughts and mental arguments 
  • Wild Oat – uncertainty over one’s direction in life
  • Wild Rose – drifting, resignation, apathy
  • Willow – self-pity and resentment

Bach also offers a combined formula called Rescue Remedy. it is a combination that is designed for emergency use and includes the following individual remedies: Impatiens, Star of Bethlehem, Cherry Plum, Rock Rose, Clematis

How to Make and Use a Flower Essence

While flower essences are readily available for purchase, you may want to try to make your own, it’s rather easy.

Sunlight and water lead to the extraction of subtle, yet powerful, vibrational properties from flowers. To make a solar water infusion you need a clean glass bowl,(reserved only for making flower infusions), spring water, and a dry sunny day.

Only flowers safe for human consumption should be used for making essences. Pour the spring water into the bowl. Pick some dry, undamaged flowers, and scatter across the surface of the water. Leave to infuse in the sunlight for three to four hours.  Make sure the bowl is in a spot where no shadows can pass over it, and no other plant matter can fall into the bowl.

This is the Mother Essence. To store the Mother, first, remove the flower parts from the water, ideally with a leaf from the plant the flowers came from. When the water is cleared, pour the mother essence into clean dark bottles, filling each bottle halfway with the essence, then topping it off with brandy to preserve it, and to anchor the flower’s energetic vibrations in the water. Note: Apple cider vinegar or food-grade glycerin can be used in lieu of the brandy.

Label the bottle as the Mother Essence, note what plant it is, when it was made, where it was made, and the ingredients. This will keep for 6 years. Note: Vinegar or glycerin will only keep for one year, and must be refrigerated.

You don’t take your dose from the Mother Essence. Instead, between two to 10 drops from the Mother should be put into a dark glass bottle with a dropper, and topped of with a mixture of half spring water and half brandy.  (or apple cider vinegar or food-grade glycerin)  This is your final flower essence, and it has the same shelf life as the Mother Essence preparation.

To dose, put two to four drops on the tongue, or dilute in a cup of water and drink, up to four times a day.

I hope you find the Bach Flower Remedies as fascinating as I do! 

Nature provides us beautiful ways to keep us healthy and happy.

Wishing you good vibrations,




Spring is a great time to talk about Cascarilla, the powerful protective powder made from eggshells.  Eggs are not only the symbol of life, but the shell is also the perfect example of protection. What better material than eggshells to protect ourselves from negative, harmful, and destructive forces?  This blog will teach you my favorite cascarilla making ritual.

Save your eggshells, it doesn’t matter if they are brown or white, but they should come from pasture-raised or, at the very least, cage-free chickens. Good energy is essential for the protective powers of Cascarilla, so, yes, the conditions that the chickens were raised in matters. Rinse the shells and save them until you have a big bowlful. It takes a lot of shells to make a small jar of powder.  When you have a good amount, dry them for a full day in the sun. The sun gives a lot of positive energy to the shells. 

The Ritual:

First, we need to clear the negative energy from our house and ourselves.  Playing tones such as this Tibetan Bell Music rids your area of negativity and dangerous forces.  Burn some incense, Nag Champa, Dragon’s Blood, or Myrrh are good for this ritual, then light a white candle.  It’s also important to wear only white or black clothing, or nothing at all if you are so inclined, as colors give off different energies and we want to remain neutral and pure. Be conscious of your mood, your thoughts, and outside influences.  It’s great if you can do this outside, but no matter where you perform the ritual, do it barefoot to connect yourself to the Earth.

Place the shells into a mortar that you have cleansed. Agua de Florida is a great cleanser for this purpose, as it removes negative energy and protects against outside disturbance.

Start to grind the shells with purpose, infusing them with positive energy and good intentions. It is very effective to speak your intentions into the shells. “You will protect me from negative and destructive forces” and “I put all good energy into you”, whatever works for you. Remember to perform this task with purpose and intent

When you think you are finished, Keep Going!  You want your shells to become a fine powder. I will take occasional breaks, sip some tea, and renew my energy.  this is a process that can take hours, but the resulting product is so worth it.

When your cascarilla is finished, store it in a pretty jar. It should be a clear jar, light is good for it! 


To repel negative energy and to create a protective shield around you, sprinkle Cascarilla around the perimeter of your home, on your window sills, door thresholds, fireplaces.  Put it in a wash for your floors and doors.  Sprinkle it on yourself before you leave the house: I put a dab on each wrist. Brush some into your pet’s fur to give them extra protection, and add it to your bath.  The uses are endless.

Wishing you Endless Protection!



New Moon Ritual

Tonight’s New Moon is the perfect time to set some intentions.

Get yourself comfortable, light some incense or burn some bay leaves, brew a cup of tea, or have a glass of wine; whatever you need to get into a relaxed, peaceful, and contemplative state of mind.

Think about a few things you’d like to manifest this month. Even though we are all challenged by this pandemic, there are things we can draw into our lives to enhance it and make it better for us.

Things like, “I will have improved communication with my significant other”, “I will be inspired to start an art project”, “I will get a short story published”, “I will have better health”. You get the idea.  The main thing is, you are TELLING the Universe what you want, not ASKING. 

Grab a pen & paper and write a letter to the Moon & Universe.

I like to start with:

Hello Moon, Hello Universe. 

Thank you for all of the good you’ve brought into my life, and thank you for all of the good things that are on the way.

This month, ***list your intentions***

Thank You!

Go outside, look up at the sky (even if it’s raining or cloudy; the Moon is still there.)

If weather and space permits, do some grounding by standing barefoot on the Earth.

Start with a prayer:

Then read your letter aloud to the sky.

Truly believe that you will manifest every intention you are stating. Feel the power of your words and the Divine Energy of The Universe. 

When you are done, fold your letter and put it in a safe place.

Go outside every night until the Full Moon and read your letter aloud.

You can also light a white candle (a tealight works great) before you go outside and let it burn down completely. If you have to put it out, snuff it, NEVER blow it out.

Every night, as the Moon waxes, as you tell your desires to the Universe, the Moon gains power and so do your intentions.

I will do another blog before the Full Moon to tell you how to send your intentions out to manifest.

Happy New Moon!



Hoodoo a Cold

How to Hoodoo a Cold

***Disclaimer: If you are experiencing severe symptoms, or have underlying medical conditions, please see a doctor!  This is not a cure, simply things you can do to naturally alleviate a cold. Always check with a medical professional if you have any kind of medical condition.***

No matter how many precautions we take, or how protected we are, eventually we all get hit with a cold or the flu.  Rather than going for those over-the-counter concoctions that only help a bit, why not try some simple rootwork?


The popularity of elderberry has been growing. It can be taken in different forms; syrup, tablets, pastilles. Just make sure it is 100% elderberry.  Take it at the first sign of a cold, and continue until you feel better.


Sold under the brand name Mucinex (NOT DM), or as generic store brands, it is extremely effective in loosening up congestion in the sinuses or chest. Guaifenesin is derived from the bark of the Guaiac tree. 

Cola de Caballo (Horse Tail) tea:

This herb helps the body flush out toxins and also soothes the respiratory tract. For a deliciously soothing effect, add raw honey and fresh lime juice.

Light-blue candles:

Raise the vibrations for healing and promote calm & tranquility.  *never leave burning unattended!*

Cleansing shower scrub:

Mix sea salt & dried sage into coconut oil. Get your body wet in the shower & rub the mixture all over. Massage in for a few minutes then rinse off.

Bonus: hang some eucalyptus on your showerhead to open stuffy noses.

Solfeggio frequency 741 Hz:

Play while sleeping. Let the vibrations of the Universe do their thing.

Coconut Water:

Keeps you hydrated, provides electrolytes to keep you resonating higher.

Muña Tea:

You might need to visit an Hispanic market, but this Peruvian herb is a powerhouse when it comes to tummy troubles. The tea is delicious too.

Pineapple Juice:

A delicious concoction of pineapple juice (cold pressed, 100% juice is best), raw honey, fresh grated ginger, and a pinch of pink salt works wonders on coughs. It loosens everything up and helps alleviate chest congestion.

Keep these wonders of nature in your pantry and you will be prepared to attack that cold as soon as it starts. Most importantly….wash your hands often, and carry a little spray bottle of Florida Water to cleanse and protect your space.

Be well!



Solfeggio Frequencies

Solfeggio Frequencies……..Good Vibrations

Everything has a vibration, and every vibration has its own frequency. 

Solfeggio Frequencies are said to be the original frequencies used by the Gregorian Monks in their meditational chant.  The chant, based on the six original notes, penetrates deep into the mind, both conscious and subconscious. There are differing views as to who discovered them, but they are basically notes which have been broken down using the Pythagorean method of numeral reduction. Using an ancient method of tuning known as “Just Intonation”, rather than the modern method of “Twelve-Tone Equal Temperament”, the music once again becomes a tool to raise human vibration and connect us to The Source.

Nikola Tesla once said, “If you only knew the magnificence of the 3, 6, and 9, then you would hold a key to the Universe”.  The 3, 6, and 9 are the fundamental root vibrations of the Solfeggio frequencies.  These frequencies hold the power to bring you back to the original tones of the Universe, and bring you back to a balanced vibration. When you vibrate on a high frequency you are happier, healthier, and you attract beings who are on a higher resonance.  Exposing the mind to these frequencies helps to achieve balance and healing by aligning us to the vibrations that form the basis of the Universe.

The Solfeggio frequency scale:

174 Hz – A natural anesthetic

265 Hz – Used for treating any kind of damaged tissue

296 Hz – Cleanses the feeling of guilt, grounds and brings down your defense mechanisms

417 Hz – Cleanses traumatic experiences, helps energize the body’s cells

528 Hz – The Miracle Tone! Returns human DNA to its original, perfect state.

639 Hz – Enables the creation of harmonious interpersonal relationships.

741 Hz – Cleanses the cells from toxins, viral infections, leads to a healthier life

852 Hz – Connected to the Third Eye chakra. Used to awaken inner strength & self-realization. Clears energy blockages.

963 Hz – Awakens the system to its original, perfect state. Enable us to experience Oneness- out true nature

Excited to try them?? You should be!

Find them on YouTube, just search for the frequency you want and select one with appealing music.  You can play them at a low volume throughout the day, or, optimally, play them at a low volume at night while your body is at rest. They are also good for meditation.  Just pick one that is the length you need.

The best frequency to start with is 528 Hz.  Play this frequency every day for at least two weeks straight.  It will bring your vibration to a higher resonance and get you ready to go beyond.  You can also find some that mix the Miracle Tone with one of the pain reducing tones. These are great for people suffering from illness, injury, or chronic pain. 

Start raising those Good Vibrations today! Get in tune with yourself and the Universe. 



The Moon

We all have heard the tale that the Full Moon makes people do crazy things, and this is true because most people do not know how to harness and use the pure energy that the Full Moon gives us.  Following the phases of the Moon and tailoring your life and intentions to the unique energy each phase provides is a magical way to increase your vibration and give power to your intentions.  

Everything starts on the New Moon, or Dark Moon.  This is the night to cleanse and set your intentions. It’s a night to meditate and be mindful of yourself and the world around you.  Following the New Moon is the Waxing phase.  These approximately fourteen nights are when the moon is growing in its luminescence and power.  The Waxing phase is the time to bring things into your life; money, love, a new job, a new home, it’s all about increasing abundance and drawing things to you.

The Full Moon is a night for celebration, for thanking the Universe, for recharging your energy, for grounding yourself, and for sending your intentions to the Universe to manifest. The period after the Full Moon is the Waning phase, where the light of the Moon slowly decreases every night. These approximately fourteen days leading to the New Moon are the optimal time to rid yourself of that which no longer serves your greater purpose. It is prime time time to banish bad habits, negative people and toxic relationships, illnesses. It’s a time to let go of all the heavy baggage that weighs you down.

This glorious cycle repeats itself every month, and learning how to live your life in accordance with the Moon gives you balance, stronger energy, and increased power in drawing the good to you.  )O(