
Spring is a great time to talk about Cascarilla, the powerful protective powder made from eggshells.  Eggs are not only the symbol of life, but the shell is also the perfect example of protection. What better material than eggshells to protect ourselves from negative, harmful, and destructive forces?  This blog will teach you my favorite cascarilla making ritual.

Save your eggshells, it doesn’t matter if they are brown or white, but they should come from pasture-raised or, at the very least, cage-free chickens. Good energy is essential for the protective powers of Cascarilla, so, yes, the conditions that the chickens were raised in matters. Rinse the shells and save them until you have a big bowlful. It takes a lot of shells to make a small jar of powder.  When you have a good amount, dry them for a full day in the sun. The sun gives a lot of positive energy to the shells. 

The Ritual:

First, we need to clear the negative energy from our house and ourselves.  Playing tones such as this Tibetan Bell Music rids your area of negativity and dangerous forces.  Burn some incense, Nag Champa, Dragon’s Blood, or Myrrh are good for this ritual, then light a white candle.  It’s also important to wear only white or black clothing, or nothing at all if you are so inclined, as colors give off different energies and we want to remain neutral and pure. Be conscious of your mood, your thoughts, and outside influences.  It’s great if you can do this outside, but no matter where you perform the ritual, do it barefoot to connect yourself to the Earth.

Place the shells into a mortar that you have cleansed. Agua de Florida is a great cleanser for this purpose, as it removes negative energy and protects against outside disturbance.

Start to grind the shells with purpose, infusing them with positive energy and good intentions. It is very effective to speak your intentions into the shells. “You will protect me from negative and destructive forces” and “I put all good energy into you”, whatever works for you. Remember to perform this task with purpose and intent

When you think you are finished, Keep Going!  You want your shells to become a fine powder. I will take occasional breaks, sip some tea, and renew my energy.  this is a process that can take hours, but the resulting product is so worth it.

When your cascarilla is finished, store it in a pretty jar. It should be a clear jar, light is good for it! 


To repel negative energy and to create a protective shield around you, sprinkle Cascarilla around the perimeter of your home, on your window sills, door thresholds, fireplaces.  Put it in a wash for your floors and doors.  Sprinkle it on yourself before you leave the house: I put a dab on each wrist. Brush some into your pet’s fur to give them extra protection, and add it to your bath.  The uses are endless.

Wishing you Endless Protection!
