Hoodoo a Cold

How to Hoodoo a Cold

***Disclaimer: If you are experiencing severe symptoms, or have underlying medical conditions, please see a doctor!  This is not a cure, simply things you can do to naturally alleviate a cold. Always check with a medical professional if you have any kind of medical condition.***

No matter how many precautions we take, or how protected we are, eventually we all get hit with a cold or the flu.  Rather than going for those over-the-counter concoctions that only help a bit, why not try some simple rootwork?


The popularity of elderberry has been growing. It can be taken in different forms; syrup, tablets, pastilles. Just make sure it is 100% elderberry.  Take it at the first sign of a cold, and continue until you feel better.


Sold under the brand name Mucinex (NOT DM), or as generic store brands, it is extremely effective in loosening up congestion in the sinuses or chest. Guaifenesin is derived from the bark of the Guaiac tree. 

Cola de Caballo (Horse Tail) tea:

This herb helps the body flush out toxins and also soothes the respiratory tract. For a deliciously soothing effect, add raw honey and fresh lime juice.

Light-blue candles:

Raise the vibrations for healing and promote calm & tranquility.  *never leave burning unattended!*

Cleansing shower scrub:

Mix sea salt & dried sage into coconut oil. Get your body wet in the shower & rub the mixture all over. Massage in for a few minutes then rinse off.

Bonus: hang some eucalyptus on your showerhead to open stuffy noses.

Solfeggio frequency 741 Hz:

Play while sleeping. Let the vibrations of the Universe do their thing.

Coconut Water:

Keeps you hydrated, provides electrolytes to keep you resonating higher.

Muña Tea:

You might need to visit an Hispanic market, but this Peruvian herb is a powerhouse when it comes to tummy troubles. The tea is delicious too.

Pineapple Juice:

A delicious concoction of pineapple juice (cold pressed, 100% juice is best), raw honey, fresh grated ginger, and a pinch of pink salt works wonders on coughs. It loosens everything up and helps alleviate chest congestion.

Keep these wonders of nature in your pantry and you will be prepared to attack that cold as soon as it starts. Most importantly….wash your hands often, and carry a little spray bottle of Florida Water to cleanse and protect your space.

Be well!
