New Moon Ritual

Tonight’s New Moon is the perfect time to set some intentions.

Get yourself comfortable, light some incense or burn some bay leaves, brew a cup of tea, or have a glass of wine; whatever you need to get into a relaxed, peaceful, and contemplative state of mind.

Think about a few things you’d like to manifest this month. Even though we are all challenged by this pandemic, there are things we can draw into our lives to enhance it and make it better for us.

Things like, “I will have improved communication with my significant other”, “I will be inspired to start an art project”, “I will get a short story published”, “I will have better health”. You get the idea.  The main thing is, you are TELLING the Universe what you want, not ASKING. 

Grab a pen & paper and write a letter to the Moon & Universe.

I like to start with:

Hello Moon, Hello Universe. 

Thank you for all of the good you’ve brought into my life, and thank you for all of the good things that are on the way.

This month, ***list your intentions***

Thank You!

Go outside, look up at the sky (even if it’s raining or cloudy; the Moon is still there.)

If weather and space permits, do some grounding by standing barefoot on the Earth.

Start with a prayer:

Then read your letter aloud to the sky.

Truly believe that you will manifest every intention you are stating. Feel the power of your words and the Divine Energy of The Universe. 

When you are done, fold your letter and put it in a safe place.

Go outside every night until the Full Moon and read your letter aloud.

You can also light a white candle (a tealight works great) before you go outside and let it burn down completely. If you have to put it out, snuff it, NEVER blow it out.

Every night, as the Moon waxes, as you tell your desires to the Universe, the Moon gains power and so do your intentions.

I will do another blog before the Full Moon to tell you how to send your intentions out to manifest.

Happy New Moon!
