Solfeggio Frequencies

Solfeggio Frequencies……..Good Vibrations

Everything has a vibration, and every vibration has its own frequency. 

Solfeggio Frequencies are said to be the original frequencies used by the Gregorian Monks in their meditational chant.  The chant, based on the six original notes, penetrates deep into the mind, both conscious and subconscious. There are differing views as to who discovered them, but they are basically notes which have been broken down using the Pythagorean method of numeral reduction. Using an ancient method of tuning known as “Just Intonation”, rather than the modern method of “Twelve-Tone Equal Temperament”, the music once again becomes a tool to raise human vibration and connect us to The Source.

Nikola Tesla once said, “If you only knew the magnificence of the 3, 6, and 9, then you would hold a key to the Universe”.  The 3, 6, and 9 are the fundamental root vibrations of the Solfeggio frequencies.  These frequencies hold the power to bring you back to the original tones of the Universe, and bring you back to a balanced vibration. When you vibrate on a high frequency you are happier, healthier, and you attract beings who are on a higher resonance.  Exposing the mind to these frequencies helps to achieve balance and healing by aligning us to the vibrations that form the basis of the Universe.

The Solfeggio frequency scale:

174 Hz – A natural anesthetic

265 Hz – Used for treating any kind of damaged tissue

296 Hz – Cleanses the feeling of guilt, grounds and brings down your defense mechanisms

417 Hz – Cleanses traumatic experiences, helps energize the body’s cells

528 Hz – The Miracle Tone! Returns human DNA to its original, perfect state.

639 Hz – Enables the creation of harmonious interpersonal relationships.

741 Hz – Cleanses the cells from toxins, viral infections, leads to a healthier life

852 Hz – Connected to the Third Eye chakra. Used to awaken inner strength & self-realization. Clears energy blockages.

963 Hz – Awakens the system to its original, perfect state. Enable us to experience Oneness- out true nature

Excited to try them?? You should be!

Find them on YouTube, just search for the frequency you want and select one with appealing music.  You can play them at a low volume throughout the day, or, optimally, play them at a low volume at night while your body is at rest. They are also good for meditation.  Just pick one that is the length you need.

The best frequency to start with is 528 Hz.  Play this frequency every day for at least two weeks straight.  It will bring your vibration to a higher resonance and get you ready to go beyond.  You can also find some that mix the Miracle Tone with one of the pain reducing tones. These are great for people suffering from illness, injury, or chronic pain. 

Start raising those Good Vibrations today! Get in tune with yourself and the Universe. 
