The Moon

We all have heard the tale that the Full Moon makes people do crazy things, and this is true because most people do not know how to harness and use the pure energy that the Full Moon gives us.  Following the phases of the Moon and tailoring your life and intentions to the unique energy each phase provides is a magical way to increase your vibration and give power to your intentions.  

Everything starts on the New Moon, or Dark Moon.  This is the night to cleanse and set your intentions. It’s a night to meditate and be mindful of yourself and the world around you.  Following the New Moon is the Waxing phase.  These approximately fourteen nights are when the moon is growing in its luminescence and power.  The Waxing phase is the time to bring things into your life; money, love, a new job, a new home, it’s all about increasing abundance and drawing things to you.

The Full Moon is a night for celebration, for thanking the Universe, for recharging your energy, for grounding yourself, and for sending your intentions to the Universe to manifest. The period after the Full Moon is the Waning phase, where the light of the Moon slowly decreases every night. These approximately fourteen days leading to the New Moon are the optimal time to rid yourself of that which no longer serves your greater purpose. It is prime time time to banish bad habits, negative people and toxic relationships, illnesses. It’s a time to let go of all the heavy baggage that weighs you down.

This glorious cycle repeats itself every month, and learning how to live your life in accordance with the Moon gives you balance, stronger energy, and increased power in drawing the good to you.  )O(